Tips & Tricks

5 Common Reasons For Waking Up More Than Once During The Night

Struggling to sleep? Here are five common reasons and how to fix them:
5 Common Reasons For Waking Up More Than Once During The Night

Struggling to sleep? Here are five common reasons and how to fix them:

Phone Use Before Bed Staring at your phone before sleep can “hugely interrupt sleep cycles.” Avoid using your phone in the hour before bed—try reading a book instead.
Stress and Anxiety Feeling anxious can make it difficult to relax. Your mind is “moving a mile a minute,” making sleep elusive. Calm your thoughts or try meditation to wind down.
Frequent Bathroom Visits If you’re waking up to use the bathroom, it’s tough to fall back asleep. Limit liquids before bed and make sure you go to the bathroom right before you sleep.
Caffeine and Alcohol Caffeine can stay in your system for hours, so it’s best to “avoid coffee past 2 p.m.” While alcohol may help you fall asleep, it “hugely impacts your REM sleep,” leading to multiple wake-ups.
Insomnia Insomnia can make falling and staying asleep nearly impossible. Try sticking to a routine, but if it persists, consult your doctor for solutions.

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