The social media influencer Andrea Ivanova, who embarked on her transformation journey in 2018, aspires to set a new record with her finely defined facial features and desires her lips to appear “even bigger.”
Andrea has already received a significant amount of filler, but she’s not finished yet. Although she had previously stated that some clinics had declined to provide her with more lip fillers due to potential health concerns, she remains determined.
“I still want bigger lips and I will continue with more injections to make them even bigger,” Andrea previously shared. “My lips are still not big enough, and I want them much bigger than now. Every month, I will get more filler, but I can’t even count how much money I’ve spent in total.”
In addition to her lips, Andrea has now set her sights on achieving the world’s largest cheekbones. “I don’t like boring ordinary appearances, and I am a fan of huge shapes and eccentric beauties,” stated the 25-year-old, who bears a striking resemblance to a Bratz doll.
Andrea has already invested more than $1,900 into her quest for larger cheekbones, and she’s far from finished. “I’ve had four hyaluronic acid injections in my cheekbones so far, but I will undergo two more within the week,” Andrea said. “For the healing process, I need to avoid strong pressure on the face for up to three days afterward.”
She disclosed that several clinics have turned her down for the cheek procedure again, expressing concerns that further injections could pose life-threatening risks.
According to Ivanova, who asserts to have undergone more than 43 procedures, she has invested over $18,000 in her quest to “enhance” her appearance, with lip injections alone accounting for over $9,000 of that sum.
Ivanova acknowledged that she has encountered her fair share of negative comments along her journey.
“I don’t worry about people’s comments, as I have my own taste and views on beauty — I follow them strictly. Each person should satisfy themselves without fearing or w
Despite all charm women should be careful while using lip fillers. Another young woman actually had to confront her worst nightmare when a routine lip filler procedure went horribly wrong, leaving her with excessively large lips. Now, she has an important message for anyone considering lip augmentation.
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