
Only ‘genius level’ problems solvers can find the odd car out in 19 seconds

A problem solving puzzle allows people to show off their ‘genius’ by spotting the anomaly in the image. Spotting the odd car out in the image is tricky…

A problem solving puzzle allows people to show off their ‘genius’ by spotting the anomaly in the image. Spotting the odd car out in the image is tricky, but savvy people will find it

Puzzles and brainteasers are a superb way of keeping your brain fit and can help improve mental health.

They are similar to running, cycling or swimming in the body where muscle is built in the arms and legs and do the same for your grey matter. Mind quizzes can be observational, analytical, or mathematical. Observational brainteasers give people an image and they must find the anomaly within the image An observational teaser and asked readers to find the odd car out in a sea of similar images which on the face of it appear identical.

Observational brainteasers like this one are useful for exercising the brain in a way that makes it think hard to get around an issue. Experts say all brainteasers are important is because they can contribute to neurological health. The healthier the brain is, the less likely it may be to develop a neurological condition such as dementia.

They do not stop someone developing the condition and other factors can have more of an impact, but they could help keep it sharper for longer. Are you still struggling to find the image, be warned we’re about to give you a major spoiler – and then the answer below. If you don’t want to give the game away keep looking for a few seconds more and see if you can find the odd one out.

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The answer is circled in the image above and is three rows up from the bottom and three columns in from the right. It stands out from the rest of the cars because its windows are a different shade of blue. The key to spotting the car is to scan the image from left to right and top to bottom to discover which car is the anomaly in the image.

Only ‘genius level’ problems solvers can find the odd car out in 19 seconds
Dementia cases in the UK and around the world are rising with recent research suggesting that 1.7million people here could be living with the condition by 2040. Dr Yuntao Chen, the lead author of the UCL study that made the shocking discovery, said: “It is shocking to think that the number of people living with dementia by 2040 may be up to 70% higher than if dementia incidence had continued to decline. Not only will this have a devastating effect on the lives of those involved but it will also put a considerably larger burden on health and social care than current forecasts predict.”

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