Have you come across the latest math puzzle involving a cow that’s taking social media by storm? Set against a charming cottage backdrop, this tricky brain teaser has everyone buzzing as they try to crack the answer.
Let’s take a closer look and see if we can figure it out together!
Solve this: A cow and some numbers
Here’s how the puzzle goes:
-You buy a cow for $800.
-You sell the cow for $1,000, making a profit of $200.
-You then buy the cow back for $1,100.
-Finally, you sell the cow again for $1,300, earning a profit of $200 from the first transaction and $200 from the second, for a total profit of $400.
The tricky part is keeping track of profits across the transactions!
So, what’s the final answer?
The correct solution to this cow puzzle is $400. Let’s break it down step by step:
1.You purchase the cow for $800.
2.You sell it for $1,000.
-Profit so far: +$200.
3.You buy the cow again for $1,100.
-Net balance: -$900.
4.You sell the cow for $1,300.
-Final profit = $400.
More brain teasers that challenge your mind
If you had fun working through the cow math puzzle, why not challenge yourself with a few more brain teasers? Here are some to test your skills!
1. Can you find the panda hiding in this picture?
Here’s the answer:
1. Can You Spot the Odd Bunny Out?
In this drawing, all the bunnies are paired up—except for one. Can you find the odd one out?
3. Spot the Mistake