
Only girls can understand

Answer: This is a tool to draw and remove eyeliner for girls.
Only girls can understand

Answer: This is a tool to draw and remove eyeliner for girls.

Only girls can understand

1. Removing Eyeliner

First, hold a mirror below you.
Open your eyes and look down while slightly raising your eyelids. This way, the eyeliner will be applied more accurately.
After that, gently place a cotton swab on your eyelid, then use the eyeliner.
If you make a mistake, you can use the cotton swab to wipe away the error

Only girls can understand

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2. Drawing Eyeliner

For those of you who are new to practicing eyeliner, using a cotton swab as a ruler to practice eyeliner is a super easy way to learn eyeliner.

Use a cotton swab to place it at the corner of the eye to determine the height of the eye
Use liquid eyeliner to line the area where you placed the cotton swab
If the lines are smudged, you can use a cotton swab to erase the wrong part

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