Do you know what’s inside your fridge? Go take a look after reading this article. If you’re are putting the following foods in your fridge, you might be unknowingly making some fridge faux pas.
Here are some foods that you should NEVER keep in the fridge.
1. Garlic
The cold sucks up the taste from the garlic, leaving it less potent.
2. Potatoes
Because the fridge is so cold, it turns a potato’s starch into sugar. This gives them a weird taste.
3. Onions
The cold temperature makes the taste of onions fade.
4. Basil
Basil needs warmth to survive. The cold temperature actually destroys its flavor. Instead, keep your basil in water to keep it fresh.
5. Apples
Most people make this mistake. Apples actually stay fresh longer and are more flavorful when kept in room temperature.
6. Ground Coffee
Coffee doesn’t belong in the fridge. It should be kept somewhere like a panty in a sealed, air-tight container.
7. Hot Sauce
The cold temperature dulls the flavor and makes your sauce hard to pour.
8. Oil
With the exception of nut oils, oils shouldn’t be kept in the fridge. The cold makes them harden.
9. Fruit with stones
Fruit with stones (like peaches, plums and nectarines) need air to stay fresh and taste their best.
10. Tomatoes
If stored in the fridge, tomatoes will turn mushy.
11. Bread
Refrigerated bread doesn’t make it last longer—it actually dries it out. Keep your bread in a bread box of sealed in a pantry.
12. Honey
Honey already has a long shelf life and it won’t be lengthened in the refrigerator. In fact, the fridge could actually ruin your honey because the temperature makes it crystallize, making it hard to spread.
13. Melons (whole)
Melons are chock full of antioxidants. But sticking them in the fridge makes them lose these healthy qualities.
14. Spices
Once again, the cold from your fridge will cause your spices to lose their flavor. What are spices without flavor?
15. Baked goods
Don’t refrigerate these unless they were made with uncooked milk products (like cream cheese frosting—which could spoil). Storing these goods in the fridge can make them go stale.
Who would have thought? Bet you won’t be make these mistakes again! Time to go re-organize that fridge.
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